For the past year and a half Dauber Tunes has been teasing and hopefully making you giggle (or scratch your head) every Wednesday with our HumpDay Hmmms. We thought we would take things to the next level and provide you with a mid-week fix of music bingo!
Dauber Tunes would like to invite you to join us for the PREMIERE of our #MusicBingo Quickie! This will be a one-theme, one-round, one-line version of our bingo with a musical flair. The hope is to offer this on different days and different times! That way we can satisfy everyone who my like a morning, afternoon, evening or spontaneous quickie.
For the premiere event, here are somethings you should know:
- It’s this Wednesday
- It will start at 7:00 pm PST
- Goal is to be done within a hour!
- The theme will be pulled from a hat at the beginning of the stream.
- Tune-in at https://www.twitch.tv/daubertunes (NEW CHANNEL LINK)
NOTE: The goal is to have these events on different days and times so keep an eye on your socials for updates.
Follow one or all of our social media channels! Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Hover or Instagram.