Are you looking to host a special event for your community’s members? Are you looking to raise some funds? Let Dauber Tunes help you. We can not only provide entertainment but we provide a fantastic channel for you to raise awareness and funds for your group or cause.
Hosting a Special Event
In our new reality, are you looking to have a fun evening with the members of your community? Let @CasualCoo & @LadyCoo host a Dauber Tunes just for you and your group. You pick the musical themes and we provide the entertainment. If you are interested in learning more about how this can happen, fill out, and submit the following form.
Host a Fundraiser
Another way for Dauber Tunes to work with your organization is to help you raise funds. The options here are endless but it starts with Dauber Tunes hosting a fundraising event for your group. We can raise funds by charging for cards, initiate challenges in stream, auction of items, the opportunities are endless. Our arrangement doesn’t even have to be one-off, we can set up a series of events for you or even host a 24 hour stream-a-thon. Are you interested in doing something different? Fill out and submit the following form and let’s talk.