Gentle readers, the Dauber Tunes ton is abuzz with talk of the Spring Prom on Saturday, April 10, 2021. It stands to be the grandest stay-at-home outing in all the land! This author has already discovered some important pieces of news that will certainly whet your appetite for gossip and intrigue!
Our own gentleman Lord GlobalDuck has announced that he is both “fortunate and privileged” to escort Lady SgtEvil, Lady Sheriff Jenn and Lady Deputy Tiff to our Prom. However, his commitments to be “in the band” may preclude him from accompanying any of our fine ladies in his so-called “big limo”. We will see, dear readers, what whispers haunt the chat during Dauber Tunes this Saturday night!
The words dripping into this author’s ear is that two of the most refined ladies in the community, Lady Sheriff Jenn & Lady Deputy Tiff are going stag to Prom! This is a curiosity which needs further investigation. Is it the quality of available suitors, Lady Sheriff Jenn’s fear of sweaty teenaged boys, or are there more nefarious intentions afoot?
One confirmed match from last week is our own Lady SSI who has graciously accepted the invitation of Sir Grogu (previously known as Viscount Baby Yoda). Her ladyship has accepted Sir Grogu, based on the statement, “He is cuter than my husband.” BabyYodaRocksSSI, what say you, sir?
Our own Lady SgtEvil has implied that she may be sending a promposal to the right person. Who could it be? And will it match the glorious promposal that we witnessed last weekend – from Meowdemoiselle Tonks to the famous Dauber Tunes winner himself, Meownsieur Harvey! The romantic spectacle that played out in front of us, complete with catnip boombox, left not a dry eye in the house, dear readers. What a lovely couple these two will make as they promenade, paw in paw!
Will Lady Waverly truly prove that “it’s more fun going to prom with your girls than a dude”? What will Lady Deputy Tiff do to show us that she’s “no wallflower”? Will Lady Alcomp truly be accompanied by Duke Justin of Timberlake himself? Tune in this Saturday to find out all this and more!