It’s hard to believe that we are entering the last couple of weeks of summer! We here at Dauber Tunes hopes that everyone has a fantastic summertime! As promised fromContinue readingSeptember’s New Playlists
New Dauber Tunes Playlists
It has been too long since we added some new playlists to our library. Life events & technical issues have held us up adding to our library. We have aContinue readingNew Dauber Tunes Playlists
Dauber Tunes Music Bingo Events for August
Happy Summer Daubers! We excited to announce we have 2 Dauber Tunes events for all you music bingo lovers in August. We hope you can join us for one or both events!
… Continue readingDauber Tunes Music Bingo Events for August
First New Playlists of 2024
It has been a while since Dauber Tunes has added to their playlist library. We have two new playlists for you to enjoy. … Continue readingFirst New Playlists of 2024
At least 2 Dauber Tunes in August!
So, CasualCoo is so sorry for cancelling our July Dauber Tunes. Life just got too busy! However, there is some exciting news for all your Daubers! We we will hosting 2 events in August, less than 2 weeks apart! How does that sound? … Continue readingAt least 2 Dauber Tunes in August!